Ammerman Wedding
Check out the Rochester DJ and entertainment details of the Ammerman Wedding held at the beautiful Glendoveers in Brighton, NY. We worked with Creative Touch Photography, Savoia’s Bakery and S&S Limo.
Check out the Rochester DJ and entertainment details of the Ammerman Wedding held at the beautiful Glendoveers in Brighton, NY. We worked with Creative Touch Photography, Savoia’s Bakery and S&S Limo.
With most Rochester weddings, you tend to find many clients asking similar questions when it comes down to planning and getting everything they want for their big day. They seek out advice and ask other brides what they should do or how things should go. A question that we see now and then from newly…
Hello all! Now that we are at the end of the first official week of 2019, I’m getting the chance to sit down and discuss Kalifornia Entertainment’s Year In Review for 2018. My final Rochester wedding was only a couple of weeks ago at the end of December and I’ve already had my first one…
Last night, we were the Rochester DJ and wedding entertainment of choice for the Bouchard Wedding, as this was our first wedding of 2019! We were excited for it and knew it was going to be a fun one since there was a lot of guests in attendance (200+). When ever a Rochester wedding has…
We were back at it again this weekend as the Rochester DJ and wedding entertainment specialists of choice for the Hilsdorf Wedding! This was at a new venue that we haven’t played at before but it was an incredible time with a lot of fun. We went all out and the clients were younger so…